Monday, 1 October 2012

website confusion

School websites are a concept that I am really struggling to correlatewith the elementary music classroom.  Throughout my education I have had teachers who have had both really good and really bad classroom websites. Sometimes they were bad because there was nothing useful on them, other times they were bad because there was too much on them. But good or bad, I have always felt that a teacher's website was something that was done last minute as something that they had to do, not because they really wanted to.
While trying to make a website in class I have been really contemplating what to put on this website. I focus on elementary music education and do not want to create a website that has no use to my students, but I cant decide what would be useful. Even remembering what my band teachers would do in highschool does not give me much guidance. Elementary music is a very participatory subject that varies a great deal from other subjects taught at this level, and I struggle to find a way to bring the classroom environment into a website.
So I am turning to the great world wide web (and any of my classmates that read this), what do you think would be effective to put on a elementary music classroom website?


  1. Interesting question. One thing I might suggest, since you are talking about early years would be: information to help parents (what is going on, how they can help instill love of music in their kids, etc). How about video of songs you are learning in class? Perhaps a music themed game?

  2. I would think music games and cool videos (like stomp videos); things that are just exploring music. Also a page for the parents with waiver forms or important days might be helpful. Maybe even using the website as an agenda-like communication tool for teachers to effectively reach parents about theme days, field trips, expectations, marks, and any behavioural issues that may have come up that day.

  3. Hi Laura, I came across this web site - it is not about music specifically, but has some good things to think about:
