Monday 22 October 2012

John Jacobson

 I attended a session by John Jacobson last week that got me thinking. You may also know him as the double dream hands guy.  At the conference he present the music educators there with a lot of different music/ musicals that he has written and dance moves to go with alot of it. He has produced alot of great music for teachers to use with their students and is really passionate about what he does.
He also provides online instruction for how to do alot of the dance moves that go along with his music. You can youtube him and he provides the dance instructions for you. He even suggested that you could put the video on for your students to help them how to learn the dance moves. I really was not sure about this.
Though the videos may be good for the teacher to learn the moves, I do not know if showing it to students is the best plan. This would be a great way to use technology in the music classroom, but I really do not think that students would be motivated by Jacobson's videos. He is really excited about what he does, but I think that some students would just find him to be more ridiculous that inspiring. Take a look and see what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I attended his session a couple years back. I have seen the videos that come on a CD-Rom I believe. It was honestly a little scary! I mini John Jacobson jumps out and starts dancing in front of everything! it is very bizarre. I agree with you that the videos might not be great for the class. Unless they need a little laught perhaps.
